
  1. Snarls

    Miniquad Fliers - What Props are You Using

    Well its that time again...time to stock up on more props. I've been using DAL 5040 V2 triblades lately on my martian and have noticed them breaking or bending into retirement a little more than I would like. They are still great props, but I am starting to consider switching props. Its been a...
  2. Snarls

    DAL 6045 and 6x4.5 "Indestructible" Props

    Recently I picked up some DAL 6045 and 6x4.5 "indestructible" props from ReadyMadeRC. They are not bought and resold from Surveillzone where they are know to be available, rather they are bought directly from what RMRC claims as the same manufacturer. Trying out the 6045s I can tell they are...
  3. Snarls

    DAL "Indestructable" Props Question

    Lately I have been breaking quite a few props doing freestyle FPV. The Gemfan 6045s are nice and cheap, but they have separated mid flight on me twice and they break pretty easily. I've been pointed to the DAL "indestructible props" from surveillzone multiple times, but heard they don't have as...