
  1. GliderFlyer

    OrangeRX overheating

    I just received the OrangeRX R410X receiver and tried to bind it to my DX6. When I plugged in a battery(lipo 2 cell), the receiver got hot in my hands. I unplugged it before anything else could happen, so thankfully the light still comes on whenever I plug it in (I tried again with a life 2...
  2. muddywilson

    How hot is too hot to fly?

    Hey all, finally built my first foamie, but out in castaic CA it's regularly 90-100+ in the summer, so I'm worried about the integrity of my hot glue joints if I try to fly in this kind of weather. I guess my question is what would be the upper limit for hot weather, and would cutting...
  3. T

    Naze32 Temps are warm when plugged in

    Hey. I'm building my first quad (FT 210 frame) and plugged in my naze and it works fine. I noticed that when I plugged in my Lipo the board gets to around 125 degrees in about 7 seconds before I unplug it afraid that I'm going to fry the board. I have checked that all solder joints are...
  4. jaskoller

    Kraken esc's hot

    I don't have anything to check the true current so I'm not sure what's going on. I'm wondering just from my set up if you guys can tell if I did something wrong. I built a Kraken, I'm using two Suppo 2217/7 motors with Hobbyking 30amp esc's running 10-4.5 props . I did use my multi meter just...
  5. E

    Power Pack C OVERHEATING!

    Just finished my fourth build. It's an FT RACER with the power pack C from flite test. I'm experiencing insane overheating. To the point that I think the ESC uses its automatic shutdown feature. I'll detail the story below, but I duplicated the result on the bench and something didn't smell...
  6. Maingear

    Hot Glue - FAQ

    Hot Glue threads: Hot Glue gun help Battery Operated Hot Glue Gun hot glue gun Hot Glue battery powered, hot glue gun.... Recommend A Glue Gun Scratch-build Glue Suggestions? Sweet deal on the Surebonder CL-800F cordless hot glue gun! best cordless hot glue gun hot glue brittle in the cold Hot...
  7. 1-2-3-calum

    Loss of power and overheating after two weeks of successful running

    Hello all, this is my first post and I'm wondering if I can draw on some of your knowledge to solve a problem I have. I built my first aircraft, a "Versa Wing" from plans a fortnight ago with the following electronics in the power train bought from 8x4E Sport propeller...
  8. R

    Motor and LiPo Hot

    Yesterday was my first successful flight. I was flying the Old Fogey. The flight only lasted about 3 minutes then the battery seem to lose power. When I took the plane into the garage I noticed the motor was pretty warm (I could still touch it) and my LiPo was pretty swollen and warm to the...
  9. W

    Swappabled overheating

    Swappable overheating I was wondering if anyone else is having problems with heat in the swappable power pods... I've ran into several instances recently on the FT3D puffing batteries, ect. I've done a simple fix by adding an "air intake" on the side of the fuse through the pod and that seems...
  10. G

    Hot glue hinges, reviewed.

    Hello everyone.. So, in my first plane I used the kind of hinges we learnt to do with experimental airlines (I think). They worked nice and did their job, but somehow I did not like the way they affected the look of the plane, nor also the fact you need to trim the edge of the aileron in a 45...
  11. R

    Speedy GL setup running REALLY hot!! HELP!!!

    First, let me apologize for sounding thick and (after trying to get a grip on electric setups) not grasping the basics. I bought a HK Speedy GL a while ago and ordered the recommended power setup for it. The recommended page on HK listed a 28mm 2200Kv inrunner (rated at 500W), a 60amp ESC and...