
  1. ulaskayalar

    KK2 3. The motor is running stronger

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YGHK66K8JRzPnrv7frvwVIC8UivFMZv6/view?usp=sharing As you can see in the video, the drone falls because the engine is very strong. All calibration settings are complete, but I cannot solve the problem.
  2. A

    KK2 board throttle calibration starts programming ESCs instead?!

    Hi, just want to share an issue I'm having, hope somebody knows how to solve it. I was just calibrating my ESCs throttle to get them in sync on a quad powered by a KK2, but instead of the two beeps at full throttle and then one beep at idle, after the usual ''1+4 button, power up, wait for...
  3. K

    Quad Question: Constantly re-trimming the Transmitter with the Flight Contoller?

    Hey There! I've been building/flying quads for about 6 months now, but I haven't been able to find an answer about trimming. I'm using a KK2.1.5 board (old, I know) with a Spektrum DX6 (SPM6700). Every time I go out to fly, I have to go the the receiver test screen and re-trim (through...
  4. R

    KK2 profiles with S.Bus connection not working

    Hi, I am new in the block of flight controllers, therefore please, bear with me. I have a KK2 V2.1.5, running OpenAero2. I had no problems with the system when using Rudder Mode. However, when I tried to use S.Bus, I had issues with the profile activation. I am using a three position switch...
  5. S

    KK2.1 ESC Calibration Problems

    Hey, I'm new to this hobby and I'm building David Windestal's Tricopter 2.6HV for my first multirotor w/ a set of a Turnigy 9x Tx and Rx. When I finished building, I had this problem where the motor to the front right spun up and began throttling up even when I was barely giving any throttle...
  6. Z

    M1 on KK2.1.5 Won't Work-How to Use Only M2-M5

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and this is my first post. So I'm building my first quadcopter and have run into a problem. When I power it on any motor/ESC combo that's connected to channel M1 does not work properly. It will twitch randomly and when I give the quad some throttle and then take it...
  7. M

    Tricopter PI Settings kk2 - Pitch Problem

    Hi there, i had my first real flight with my tricopter (RC Explorer) today and it was for the start pretty good. The only problem ist that the tri is moving back if am in the air - (in the direction of the one rotor) Dont know how to describe it better: l l l...
  8. M

    KK2 Mini - Motors are not spinning

    Hi there, i use a kk mini and Afro 20 Amp ESCs for my tricopter. I calibrated the esc manuallly over the reveiver but the motors are not spinning when i connect them to the kk2 board. The receiver test shows that every sinal comes in wright. If i now pull the throttle up, the motors are not...
  9. M

    KK2 Mini display goes off after connecting to receiver

    Hi there, i got a strange issue. If i connect my kk2 mini board from pin thr,v+ and ground to channel 3 of my receiver the board goes off (or maybe just the screen - not sure). Have you got an idea what i have done wrong here? thr is connected to signal, v+ to power and gnd to ground. If i...
  10. M

    KK2 Mini ESC Calibrating not working

    Hi there, i am trying to calibrate my Esc connected to a KK2 Mini. When i am trying to do the calibrating circle i can wait for hours for the 2 beeps that should say that the calibration worked. i tried to use the starting mode to test the esc and motors, and when i pull up the throttel in...
  11. N

    Can you flash the kk mini with kk2 firmware?

    I have a kk mini and would like to change the firmware to one with a failsafe. I couldn't find any firmware specifically for the kk mini. I am using the hk-t6A transmitter so I have no way of adding a failsafe with the radio Do you know if I can flash the kk2 firmware onto the kk mini, and if...
  12. J

    KK2.1.5 Refusing to arm!

    I recently built up David's Tricopter v3 with a kk2.1.5 flashed with steveis's latest 1.9 s1 firmware. My transmitter is an OrangeRx t-six with a orx dsm2 receiver...
  13. P

    kk2 input problem

    Hi all, I recently borrowed my friend's F450 running on kk2. He warned me : "my quadcopter was working great until one day, the kk2 didn't recognized any pitch input." :( I said I would try to fix this : I tried EVERYTHING ! (from unplugging and plugging back the RX to a whole factory reset) ...
  14. V

    Controller board Possitioning.

    Hi everyone....I am new to forums i already new about FT but didn't spend any time here. i have a question for very smart people out there.As you know Dji Inspire i have a fancy ballscrew landing flapping kind of thingy for landing and its known that it bad to place FCB away from cg but it...
  15. T-Ro

    KK2 Board Tuning: Help Please

    Well, my quadcopter is complete! I have learned how to fly on a Nano QX, now know how to build a quad, but I am having trouble learning how to tune my quad by myself. I have watched many different videos over and over about P&I settings, what they do, and how to tune your quad. But I am still...
  16. T

    build. kk2 tricopter i need So, help

    So, I'm building an rcexplorer tricopter, and for a control board, I have purchased a kk2, no point one or mini, thanks to readytoflyquads. I soldered all my little pins and plugged it all in and... im up a river i thought oh it will have an older firmware ill get the usb adaptor and update it...
  17. T

    kk2 firmware and that usb dongle

    So, I'm building an rcexplorer tricopter, and for a control board, I have purchased a kk2, no point one or mini, thanks to readytoflyquads. I soldered all my little pins and plugged it all in and... im up a river i thought oh it will have an older firmware ill get the usb adaptor and update it...
  18. B

    Kk2.1.5 board question

    Who knows how to calibrate ESC's on the kk2.1.5 board?
  19. B

    KK2.1 Board

    Hey there, I'm building a quadcopter using a KK2.1 board and would like it if I could have a link on how to program it. I have not found very good ones so far. Thanks!
  20. T

    Cold Weather Flying

    It is a good idea (if you want to keep your multirotor in one piece) that you allow your craft to acclimate to the temperature you will be flying in. I typically let mine adjust to the outside temp for an hour. Then recalibrate your control board. Otherwise this could happen to you...