CHECK IT OUT! Dirt Cheap Battery Volt Alarm!!

Do you use a volt alarm or let your batteries die?

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The R168 has built in Telemetry with one +ve connection to your battery, you can get RXbat data to your TX16s. This can then set it up with an audible alarm to warn you when your battery is low, save having seperate battery alams. No sure if the independant battery alarms would be useful on a glider(ie not loud enough), where as this sytem will warn you through your transmitter.
The R168 will give you at least 1km range and will cost you around $28 which won't break the bank when you consider its a 8ch reciever, with sbus allowing up to 16ch.

It can be found at half the price here:¤cy=USD&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7NKBBhDBARIsAHbXCB61rMor2sT9-zw3lWca8aGEWzgYfVlcnJMHpLF6UbvNBkzUltGI_FoaAkzgEALw_wcB Additionally, it supports S.Port telemetry. All these things combined make this my new default receiver.