How do I get a pass word for "Behind The Field Shed" ?


Just someone else.
I believe that you want to talk to FlyingMonkey or Craftydan...I believe they are the moderators..I could be wrong there. Just so your not dissapointed, it's not been used since april.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
HEY! I'm just the gate keeper!

. . . and even then it's in the sense of the guy who can point to the gate so you can go back there on your own.

I make no claims for/against the threads inside (nor can I -- it's all hush-hush and secrecy, at least until you discover how dull it is in there) but I've never actualy posted anything in there.


Old age member
I have asked a long time ago - but have not got any access.
That thread seems just like something really fun for jokes.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member

Sorry about that --never saw the request myself. PW has been PM'd


Senior Member
Dan you are a scholar and a g... well nevermind... :black_eyed:

LOL Thank you for the quick response...

Ohh i like the gate analogy... its back there.. you really don't want to go back there do ya... ? lol


Old age member
Time to log out - there is a day tomorrow an it is late here. The sun has just got down.


Bought Another Trailer
Staff member
LOL agree and it is a great thing.

I was wondering the same thing but apparently it does not get used much. I would also be interested in access.

Yeah. People are just too nice in here. =)

I believe that you want to talk to FlyingMonkey or Craftydan...I believe they are the moderators..I could be wrong there. Just so your not dissapointed, it's not been used since april.

Yeah, some sections of the forum have been more popular than others. I am quite happy with the way this has turned out. There's been very few people that I thought would need a good talking to behind the shed.

Do you really want to be in on what flyingmonkey and crafty Dan do behind the field shed?

and then there's exceptions… fear the wrath of the monkey. ;)


Bought Another Trailer
Staff member
Originally it was because I was used to how other forums operated. In every other forum I had participated, arguments would break out. Fights where the people would get carried away, off topic, but not caring, as long as they showed that they were "right".

I myself loved to argue and debate. I didn't care what the topic was, I just enjoyed the challenge of arguing.

With that in mind, I thought a section where people who were arguing and taking a thread off topic could be moved. That way the thread stayed on topic, and the people who didn't care about the fight could enjoy the conversation. Yet if the participants in the argument cared to continue it, they could do so in their own section of the forum.

We just haven't had those types of clashes.

William A

Billy did it....
"We just haven't had those types of clashes."

Not to poke, but so what if we do ?, if your posting on ANY forum, thicking of ones skin is first rule. ;)


Bought Another Trailer
Staff member
It provides a place to put those clashes, after removing them from the thread that they don't belong in.

As to why have a password? The thought at the time was that if adults wanted to use off color language, that they would be able to in an area where the younger members of our family friendly forum wouldn't see. Also it keeps those posts from popping up in the "new posts" search if someone that didn't want to see it wasn't logged in.