i am new to this forum but old to RC.


New member
Hey y'all. I am from South Carolina, USA and began in RC around 1990. Like many, I started with the wrong first airplane. A Spitfire balsa kit. About the time I got the plane finished, I found out that a war bird was NOT what I needed to learn on. I shelved that on and build a Carl Goldberg Eaget 50 balsa kit. I built and learned to fly with that plane and still fly it to this day! I took a 15 year hiatus when my youngest child came along and rejoined actively a few years ago. I was surprised to find the electric revolution so say the least. I still enjoy flying my glow fuel planes, but quite a collection of electrics now. Flitetest has definitely gotten into my blood. I too, love the passion of promoting this wonderful hobby.

So far, I have built the FT Flyer,Delta, and tiny trainer. I am planning the maiden flight of the Delta tomorrow. Hoping for a break in the recent wave of rain down here. My other planes include the unfinished Spitfire, the Eaglet with an OS 25, Visionaire, Supersportster 40 which I am currently scratch building a new wing, Big Stick 40 converted to electric power and taildragger, EasyStar, Decathlon with an FS-91, a resurrected Cherokee with an OS 25, various foamies and a 40 powered F-14 tractor propped jet with a tuned pipe that I bartered for and have yet to get around to messing with it. Oh yeah, and another partially built Eaglet(which I may build as electric) and lastly, I think, a Supersportster 40 biplane balsa kit.

I hope to gain friends, learn more about our hobby and maybe provide some good advice when I can.


Hello and welcome! Glad to have you back. Electrics have made RC accessible to more people and FT has done a great job promoting the hobby. I'm sure you will gain friends here and advise is freely given and also welcomed.

Enjoy your time here,


WELCOME my friend! So glad to have you be a part of this AWESOME community! :)
Looking forward to see what comes from it all!



Master member
Welcome back your still young yet my hiatus was much longer. Only being back since 2015 the last time I flew RC was before there was no such thing as proportional, back in the sixties. A lot has changed that is for sure and what a learning curve for me, running across Flight Test is what got me back in to the sport. Build a cheap foamy and go fly and not worry about crashes.