Need help


Junior Member
Hello out there i have just reserved a Dx4e remote problem is i have nothing i can fly with it. I am a father of 5 living in the U.S and i am un able to work at this time due to knee and ankle problems. I am looking for something i can fly with this remote I have flown plenty of rc helis and plans in the past but sadly lost a lot of them when my x wife and i split up and had to get rid of a lot of my stuff so i could get full custody of my kids. Any ways i am see if someone out there is nice enough to maybe donate me something i can fly out side and will bind to this remote i know it is a lot to ask for. But i really want to get back into the hobby and i would like to get my kids into it as well i have tried to save up the money but with bills school supply's and what not it isn't really going so well as fare as saving up for a nice plan or heli or quad. Any ways i am one of those i really hate asking for help and i don't want to sound like a charity case but i figured why not ask around and see what is or if anything is out there
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CrossThread Industries
Hi Kenny - replied in the other thread you posted in, and pm'ed you - let me know.
Poughkeepsie Pete