RC Vereine in Deutschland / RC Clubs in Germany


Junior Member
Hallo Freunde,

ich würde gern (nachdem ich einen der älteren Flitetest Podcasts gehört habe) ein kontroverses Thema ansprechen.
Ist es für ein (gefühlt) deutsches Problem, wie exklusiv ignorant die deutschen RC Flugvereine sich geben?
Kurz, um das auszuführen. Als ich letztes Jahr begonnen habe, mich mit RC Fliegen zu beschäftigen (im Ruhrgebiet) bin ich schnell an meine Grenzen gestoßen, wenn es um das Wildfliegen geht. Man findet zumindest Zentrumsnah nicht mehr einfach irgendwelche Stellen zum Fliegen.
Darauf hin habe ich mir den ein oder anderen Verein im Gebiet angeschaut (oder zumindest versucht). Mein Eindruck war, dass sich diese Vereine seeehr exklusiv geben. Man Schwierigkeiten hat, dort vor Ort in Kontakt zu kommen und "interessierte" eher belächelt oder einfach nicht beachtet werden. Lieber sitzen die "alten Herren" in ihren Gartenstühlen, schlürfen sich ihr Bierchen (oder halt ne Limo) und ignorieren alles um sich herum.
Ich meine, ist die Flitetest Community so anders? Liegt es an der deutschen Mentalität? Liegt es an der fehlenden nachkommenden Generation an Enthusiasten? Oder waren es "nur" die falschen Vereine, die ich kennengelernt habe?

Ein zusätzlicher Knackpunkt, der mir "negativ" aufgefallen ist, ist die immer höher schnellende Überteuerung. Wie sind Preise von 100 - 200+ € Aufnahmegebühr + 100 - 150 € Mitgliedsbeiträge gerechtfertigt? Im Idealfall noch mit entsprechenden Arbeitsstunden für das Gelände? So wirklich konnte mir das auch kein Mitglied der angesprochenen Vereine wirklich erklären.

Ich meine, für mich stellt sich das subjektiv die Frage: Will man überhaupt, dass der Verein Zuwachs bekommt? Wie sollen Interessierte (die vielleicht gerade die ersten Flüge gemacht haben und somit nicht wenig Geld in ein neues Hobby gesteckt haben) direkt abgeschreckt werden (wenn man nicht eh schon abgeschreckt wird, weil man belächelt wird, weil man eben nicht die Uber 500 € Funke mit dem State of the Art Flieger für 1000 € fliegt)?

Gebt mir mal eure Meinung dazu.

Hello Friends,

I just want to discuss a topic with you (especially after listening one of the older Flitetest podcasts).
Is it only a german problem about the exclusivity/ignorance of german rc clubs?
To explain my feeling:
I started to make my first steps in rc flying about a year ago and because of the population density where I live, I came to my limits pretty soon. After reading in several forums I visited several rc clubs nearby. But my impression there was, that these clubs are quite exclusive. It was hard to get in contact to someone on site. I felt ignored. The "old pilots" were to busy to sit in their garden chairs, drinking some beer (or coke).
This leads me to this: Is the flitetest community that different? Is it a german problem? Is it a problem of generations? Or do I just visited the wrong clubs?

Another point was the club cost. It seems quite expensive to be part of a german club. An admission charge of 100-200 EUR and subscription around 100-150 EUR. How is this justified? No one could explain it to me until now.

This all give me the feeling: Is a grow up of clubs unwanted? How should someone new (maybe not with that state-of-the-art equiment) get in this hobby that way?

What is your opinion in this topic?


propulsion impromptu
hi storm77de,

willkommen bei FT.
ich verstehe ein wenig Deutsch, wünschte, ich habe besser Deutsch zu antworten.

regarding 'bad' RC Flying Club:
I think it would probably be case to case basis, vary from places to places to top it off.
I've come across both sides of experiences whereby hobby enthusiasts found themselves happy coming into a club and otherwise.
Whatever the background is, intended or not, be it cultural or not, it shouldn't stop you from continuing this positive hobby.
(unless for some legal requirement forbids). imho it is of little use trying to figure out why such clubs behave unfavorably.

I'm not sure if open public space is available in your area, if not, you'd probably have to do some travelling.
hopefully not too far and taken too much time.
Another way is to keep on the look out for fellow hobbyists and possibly,
eventually form a community that embraces newcomers?

Don't give up &
Happy Flying!


Staff member
I'm guessing that part of the problem is getting into the "ring of friends" such clubs usually are. They know each other very well, had probably lots of fun together and then there's that new guy standing behind the fence.

What I've learned is that it helps a lot to talk - ask questions about their planes, about the ones you built, perhaps showing them, that you are just starting with the hobby, etc.

Most important: Don't feel intimidated by their skills. One of my first visits to a local club was when the heli crew was throwing around their copters in extreme 3D aerobatics. I didn't really want to interrupt them doing their thing with my self-leveling quadcopter fourth and back. I was able to break the ice by getting out my little ultra-micro quad and flying behind the fence (after asking if it was ok). People noticed that and since it was fairly new I had a few questions to answer. And of course they wanted to fly it too. After I mentioned that I was a little intimidated to go on the field they just said, they need breaks too and if only to recharge their batteries...

As for the pricing it probably depends a lot on the club. One portion of that is usually the DMFV membership / insurance you have to pay anyway. The other part might be based on the the surrounding. A nice field with a club house probably costs more to keep alive than a grassy field with a shed.


Junior Member
Yeah, I think this is one of the problems as in every other group. If you're the new one from outside, it is hard to get perceived. I will try it again this year in some of the clubs nearby. Maybe it was a bad start last year.


Active member
Hi storm77de,

if you want to enter a club that made some installations, you must pay an entrance fee. The old boys did some work developing the site, erecting a safety fence, building the clubhouse, aquiring the licence and so on. They payed a fair amount of money and spend a lot of time doing this.

Now, if a new guy enters the club, he has all the benefits that these guys did. And so, to honor and share the preliminary work with all members, you have to pay an entrance fee. And to keep everything going, pay the rent and so on, you have to pay annual fees.

This is quite common with many clubs worldwide as long as they don't have a sponsor.
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