What is your quad's AUW?


Junior Member
I recently took apart my tricopter and use the parts to build my version of the H-Quad. My purpose is to mount my go pro and fpv gear on it to get some park flying and recording. I am using a 4000mah 3cell and my setup seemed heavy in the hand. Gear + cameras are 3 lbs 8 ozs, or 1600 grams. Using the DT750 motors, I should get about 2900 grams of thrust on the top end. Is this right? I did fly (without recording) in my backyard and it seemed to handle well with plenty of lift right up till the battery died, but I'm so used to lighter craft that 1600 grams of dead weight seems like a lot. What are your thoughts? What is your similar quad's AUW? Battery and flight times would help in the comparison.



Junior Member
I recently took apart my tricopter and use the parts to build my version of the H-Quad. My purpose is to mount my go pro and fpv gear on it to get some park flying and recording. I am using a 4000mah 3cell and my setup seemed heavy in the hand. Gear + cameras are 3 lbs 8 ozs, or 1600 grams. Using the DT750 motors, I should get about 2900 grams of thrust on the top end. Is this right? I did fly (without recording) in my backyard and it seemed to handle well with plenty of lift right up till the battery died, but I'm so used to lighter craft that 1600 grams of dead weight seems like a lot. What are your thoughts? What is your similar quad's AUW? Battery and flight times would help in the comparison.


i've used the same setup as you, but i used different cam (lighter). Two 2700mah 3cell in paralell. it flew great. i'd get about 9-10min flight time before the low voltage alarm would kick in. weight total: 1,7kg. I think it can lift about 2kg with the DT 750 and 11x4,5 props. The problem are props. cheap slow-fly props will bend and implode.
The DT 750 have 1kg thurst each, so in theory it should handle 2kg without problems.
I had problems with my arms on my H-quad. they where 12mmx12mm on my first try, but i got to much vibrations and voble. I upgraded to 16mmx16mm and it made all the difference.

Good luck :)