Prusa I3 MK3 Full Assembly video's with manual timestamps

Hey guy's!

A couple of weeks ago I recieved my MK3 that I ordered in January. I filmed the complete assembly of the MK3 because I thought you guys (especially those that consider buying it, have yet to recieve theirs or are about to start the build) would like it and perhapse benefit from it. It's pretty much unedited so you can see everything (including the challenges I encountered, the mistakes I made and the total time I needed to build), and the entire build will be uploaded in 4K resolution. The two video's is now online and contain the build of the frame and the y-axis, x-axis and the z-axis. The rest of the video's wil come within 2 weeks.

Coming soon (next 2 weeks):
- Assembly of the Extruder
- Heated bed, electronics, Cable management and finishing the build
- My experiences with the printer after a couple of rolls of filament

If you are looking for a specific part, you can click on the timestamps from the original Prusa manual in the description. Do you have questions? feel free to ask!

Have fun! (with building and watching)

Allright the set is complete. I forgot to share it here but A few days I go I uploaded part 4.

As with everything there are things to consider when building and using this printer. It is not without flaw but when you respect it's limitations you can have a wonderfull time with it. I will make one final video about the printer wherein I will discuss these limitations and how I work with them to get nice quality prints.

I've had the printer running for about 350 hours now and emptied 4 spools, with only one failed print (the failure was caused by me pushing the limits of printing complex shapes without a brim or raft.)

I printed all the parts for the paradrone a second time because of the enormous difference in quality, I will talk a bit more about that in the build topic. A sneak preview:


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Meanwhile I've got 23 days and 16 hours on the counter and thought it'd be a nice moment to reflect on my experience with the printer. I've been more than pleased with the printer from the start but did change a couple of things along the way. Most notable are:

- Removed the filament spool from the frame (one or two days after the build)
- Significantly reduced the printing speed (Default is way too high in my opinion considering the limited rigidity of the frame)
- Changed a lot of settings most important: lowered extrusion quite a bit. I feel it is set too high in the firmware. At least combined with the CAM from S3D)

So, the result? the 20x20x20 calibration cube is measured at 20.00mm on each axis.

I also made a macro photo of the last CAM settings I used, for a better perspective I added a 0.4mm nozzle in the picture.


Quite nice right? I know I'm happy with the price/performance of the printer!