Help! Dx7s and Orange RX receiver binding issues


New member
I have been using various Orange RX receivers for about 10 years, and am sure I have a hundred of them, at least, as I install them in planes and leave them there.
Only now am I starting to trash some of the junkier planes and recycle parts.
I am finding, however, MANY receivers that lose bind after power-off.
Some do it unpredictably, maybe the second time powered up, maybe third, and some simply require re-binding every single time!
Obviously, these are problematic in planes where the receiver is buried in the guts.
Many are also difficult to bind, requiring multiple tries, and occasionally, one can not be bound and gets tossed.
Many also take an unusually long time to connect, and/or require that the power and/or radio be turned-off and on again severl times before they connect.
Yesterday, an original 615 lost signal three times during flight.
I noticed a problem in the air and tried to land, but the third loss of signal was on the approach and caused a crash.
At that point, the plane was very close, so it was not a range related issue.
I am getting rather discouraged with them, and won't buy any more.
Now buying Redcon, but have a substantial investment in Orange RX.
Years ago had a plane fall out of the sky and somebody suggested that the controller chip in the receiver had switched from DSM2 to DSMX or vice-versa, so after that I only bought receivers that function on one or the other.
Anybody else had similar experiences?