Build Plan (PDF, AI, etc.)
FT Edge
FT Edge Image.png
The Flite Test Edge is based on the Zivko Edge 540 V3, which is a great aerobatic plane and also a very popular choice for pilots competing in the Red Bull Air Races. The FT Edge captures the crips lines of the real Edge while offering a wide flight envelope capable of doing anything from smooth pattern flying to extreme aerobatic maneuvers. Appealing to both sport fliers and 3D pilots alike!

The FT Edge has a removable one-piece wing so that it can be easily transported even in smaller vehicles. it's large hatch allows easy access to the battery and other electronics. It also has optional landing gear, wheel pants and side force generators allowing you to customize the aircraft to your own preferences.

"This plane was designed to suit my personal preferences as a pilot, so the design has been optimized for 3D aerobatics with large control surfaces enabling the plane to do anything you can throw at it. It has a good power-to-weight ratio when paired with our Power Pack C motor. This delivers enough power for unlimited vertical while keeping the aircraft light enough for low and slow aerobatics. These characteristics make this plane suitable for seasoned 3D pilots as well as those just getting into aerobatic flying. No matter where you are in your journey through the world of flight the FT Edge can serve as a platform for you to further your flying experiences." - Andres Lu

Weight without battery:
1.5lb (680g)
Center of Gravity: 3.25" (83mm) from the leading edge of the wing
Control surface throws: 16" deflection - Expo 30%
Wingspan: 40 Inches (1016mm)
Recommended Motor: 425 sized 1000kv minimum
Recommended Prop: 10x4.5 prop (3s) or 9x4.5 prop (4s)
Recommended ESC: 30amp minimum
Recommended Battery: 1300mah 3s to 1400mah 4s
Recommended Servos: 4x 9 gram servos or ES3154 metal gear servos

Release Date: July 11, 2018

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Many details are missing like where to make the cut for the landing gear and the build video is very hard to follow for someone who has experience in building planes designed by others that are mould together. Also some parts don't line up for example the top hatch, I'm not able to get a 90 degree fold even after repeating it 2 times.