
  1. Airdude

    Hello from Muirkirk Ontario . Alp At6 obsession gone to far : )

    Hello all pilots and co pilots. My names Edward lonnee. I'm a 30 year old male who enjoys building with foamboard and various other materials. Dont we all? Over the years though of building this and that model I found myself always going back to the at6 texan. My father and I used to watch our...
  2. jsut210

    Coroplast Power Pod

    I'm looking into building a SPAD plane for my Ryobi 31cc conversion and this brought up the use of the Coroplast building material. For those of you that don't know what that is it's basically 4mm thick corrugated plastic. Anyways, has anyone used this to make their powerpods? I seems to...
  3. fliteadmin

    The Triforce Coraplast Plane

    I've been meaning to post this article for quite some time. It's about my son and his first scratch build. Since we started the show (Flite Test) it has taken over our basement, garage, attic, backyard, etc. So, needless to say, I got all kinds of crap laying around. My son, Christian, came to...