
  1. flitetest

    Part HDZero Monitor Sun Shade and Battery Case 1.0

    The perfect printable accessory for your HDZero monitor complete with sun screen and battery case. Print Settings: Recommended Material: PLA+ or Tough PLA Supports Required Flite Test Store Link: https://store.flitetest.com/hdzero-monitor/
  2. flitetest

    Part FT Scout XL Wing Spar 1.0

    FT Scout XL Spar Printable Wing Spar for the FT Scout XL. Print with 10% infill and default slicer settings.
  3. flitetest

    Part FT EZ ID Case 1.0

    FT EZ ID Case Printable case for the FT EZ ID. Printable in PLA with default settings. No printer? No problem. You can purchase a printed case from the Flite Test store (see links below). Store Links: FT EZ ID Case FT EZ ID FT EZ ID (no connectors)
  4. MLGSwagPilot

    FliteTest Music: where can we find and listen to the music used in old FT videos?

    Title is self explanatory. Would be nice if they gave us acces to the old music that they do not use anymore :D
  5. flitetest

    Decal Flite Test Master Series F-18 Super Hornet Decal Placement Sheets 1.0

    F-18 Super Hornet Decal Placement Sheets Design By: Stephen Rosema Instructions to assist you with the decal placement for all the SkyFX variants of the Flite Test Master Series F-18 Super Hornet, including... Dambusters Jolly Rogers Shadowhawks Tomcatters
  6. flitetest

    Part Insta360 GO 2 Guardian Camera Mount 1.0

    Insta360 GO 2 Camera Mount for FT Guardian Design By: David Jester 3D printable camera mount for the Insta360 GO 2 designed to be mounted on the Flite Test Guardian multirotor frame. Print Settings: Filament: colorFabb LW-PLA (Light Weight PLA) Flow: 55% Nozzle: 230° C Infill...
  7. flitetest

    Plane FT Baby Blender 2.1

    FT Baby Blender Designed By: Josh Bixler Plans By: Dan Sponholz Description: The Baby Blender Swappable is an excellent transition into four channel flying and more advanced building techniques. With gentle stall characteristics and a wide speed envelope, the Baby Blender will enable you...
  8. flitetest

    Plane FT Flyer 1.1

    FT Flyer Designed By: Josh Bixler Plans By: Dan Sponholz Description: The FT Flyer is a scratch built air frame designed specifically for our 'swappable fuselage' series (airplanes with a swappable powerpod). Speed Build Kit: Discontinued Power Pack Compatibility: Power Pack B...
  9. C

    Oculus quest 2 flitetest sim

    I went looking for some way of flying something in vr and the options don't look great. There are a couple drone sims fpv style but I want like standing at the field flying. Any chance flitetest wants to try and tackle a quest 2 vr sim. If you want to get really ambitious you could even add a...
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  16. OliverW

    Plane Little Bit Tailless Ugly Stick V1

    Couldn't be more simple. If you've built a foamboard plane you can figure out the build on it haha. It takes a A or F pack. At the bottom of the X's you put your BBQ skewer in, and the hatch is secured by a rubber band
  17. CustomRCMods

    The OFFICIAL CustomRCMods Fleet Record and RC Journey Thread

    Hey guys, Been meaning to make a thread like this for a while now, Ive been running out of space in my signature for my full fleet, so I thought I would make this thread and keep it up to date with my entire RC Fleet, and also post about my journey along the way. This is in no way an attempt...
  18. ZOHIO

    Mock Radial For Master Series P47

    Hey guys, i finally finished and am releasing my design for a mock radial engine. The engine files can be found on Thingiverse here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4460787 . The design allows for a adequate amount of room for the flite test radial engine as well as it also fitting snugly into...
  19. Noel Gillett

    FT Mini Arrow - Toyota Supra A90 Skin

    I have always wanted to see how I can contribute to the growing Flite Test Community. With my own intrinsic motivation, I wanted to know how to create custom skins for RC foamies. Through months of research and practice (at leisure), I have been able to develop a Toyota Supra A90 Skin for the FT...
  20. spitfire.jpg
