micro plane

  1. micro_builder

    20mm EDF micro jet

    Hey folks, started this project about 8 months ago, and have been crashing it ever since, and only just now got something that resembles a flight...however short it was. This bird just didnt want to be in the air. The EDF has a 20mm impeller and an 0603 brushless motor, 12000kv I think...
  2. T

    Micro Twin EPP foamy

    Hey all, I have the electronics from a Dart lying around (Micro pack H (twin)) and I was wanting to put it into a small EPP foam plane. Does anyone know any EPP planes that would fit the 1106 motors and 4 gram servos? preferably a twin as I like them. Cheers for the help and suggestions
  3. micro_builder

    12" Simple Cub / Tubby Cubby build

    I havent built a lot of high wing planes (prefer low and fast!), but the Simple Cub seemed like a good candidate. 12" span, all balsa construction, AR6410L brick RX, 2g HK rotary servo, 7mm motor/gearbox. Due to the length of the videos, I've sped them up to 16x speed so its more a time lapse...
  4. G

    Micro plane suggestions?

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a micro plane that I can fly in my front yard as well as in a gym, with flight times greater than 10 min, that can handle wind well, and that isn't very fast. Thanks!
  5. andycho

    My new design of micro RC plane maiden fly.

    There are so less field to fly big plane, so I build a small RC plane. It's easy to fly in the park not far away from home. And here are the video.