mini quadcopter

  1. R

    Making a 180 size quadcopter with my CNC

    For the last couple of months i was thinking about making a 180 size quadcopter, but i had my doubts. I thought it was perhaps too small. But a couple of weeks ago i saw someone fly a 180 size quadcopter (a epiquad) and i knew i wanted to make one. See the 2 video's for the complete buildlog...
  2. R

    Making 10 degree tilted motormounts with a CNC machine

    Someone from a dutch forum ask me if i could make 10 degree tilted motormounts for a mini racing quadcopter. After doing some research i found a good way to do this. The mounts are made from hard PVC so they are much stronger than the 3D printed mounts and they fit 22 size motors. If anyone is...
  3. K

    Coreless motor performace

    I am building a small quadcopter with coreless motors. This one: Speed: 50000 rpm Rated voltage: 3.7 V Rated current: 100mA I think Hubsan X4 uses similar motors. So, i guess, i can get the lift...