pink foamy

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  2. the rc project

    Project Un-flyable/Tacit Blue (90mm edf)

    *CHECK MOST RECENT POST FOR UPDATES* "The Northrop Tacit Blue was a technology demonstrator aircraft created to demonstrate that a low-observable stealth surveillance aircraft with a low-probability-of-intercept radar (LPIR) and other sensors could operate close to the forward line of battle...
  3. foamys.jpg


    old pictures of the pink foam planes.... 35% 103in cap 232, 51in extra 230, 40in flat super cub
  4. foamys 2.jpg

    foamys 2.jpg

    old picture, but back when i was using pink foam for everything.... 35% 103in cap 232, 51in extra 230, 40in flat super cub