
  1. J

    Would love to see a Taranis review or a whole bunch of radios

    There has been lots of reviews on head to head with everything from fpv, to batteries and even different plane/multi rotor styles (y, v-tail, x) but not much on the different options of transmitters. I know its hard to change from one you love but I have a taranis and would love to see it and...
  2. A

    insight from a newbie(never flown rc before)... or a review for the Super Cub DSM

    let me start out by saying I love flight. I have a computer setup for MS flight simulator that has taken years to put together. However it was missing something for me.I want that opportunity to fly around outdoors enjoy real weather and maybe when i am better join a flying club or something...
  3. FlyingMaddLadd

    Spektrum Dx9 Unboxing and Review!

    Spektrum Dx9 Unboxing and Review Hey guys, Just sharing my unboxing and review of the spektrum dx9 with you guys, I think it is a great radio, Full of features and i definately recommend it to you. Check out the video to watch my review :) Please subscribe to my channel also, It helps me ALOT...
  4. FlyingMaddLadd

    Spektrum DX9 - Unboxing and Quick Review.

    Hello Guys! I got a Spektrum DX9 transmitter as my Christmas present. Today i recorded a Simple unboxing video and a quick review/run-over of the Tx. I got it from a local hobby shop which got it from Horizon Hobby. If your looking for a High Tech, Quality Tx that will last be sure to check...
  5. A-9

    AXN night flying review -nonamerc-

    Hi guys, Here I give you a quick review about the AXN with led's. Hope that you find it usefull. Got any questions? Contact us on Greetings, Nonamerc
  6. K


    hey guys, great show! would you do a non-biased review on the hobbyking nano-tech lipos. i have 1 my self and i left it for a week at 70-80% charged and it puffed up in me! thanks keep on making the shows. Kearney :cool:
  7. 2

    HK450 setup / settings spectrum dx7

    How about a review on the KDS flymentor with the HK450 and maybe something about the setup / settings spectrum dx7, Regards Craig