Hello, folks
I first heard of Flite Test via YouTube. I started out a couple of years go 3D printing a 110 micro FPV quad copter frame, and playing around with that. Then, in the past couple of months got interested in the 250 racers, specifically the ZMR250 platform.
I built one, got it...
Hey guys, what is the best way to cut carbon fiber without a mill? I want to cut a small section from the top of my ZMR250 frame to better accommodate the camera angle. What I have at my disposal is a power drill, coping/hack saw, scroll saw, some files and a Dremel. I'm thinking maybe to drill...
I am starting to get into fpv drone flying. I'm going to use the ZMR250 body and I was wondering if u knew of any good controllers with a built in monitor. Also I was wondering if u guys have used the dys BE1806 2300kv brushless motors. Becuz I saw something that said u need to have 2 cw and 2...
Hey guys, towards the end of the summer I took my miniquad and mountain bike and started riding down a trail close to my house that I had never gone down before. The trail is overgrown at the start and is about a mile long stretch until it runs into a road. Breaking off half way down the trail I...