Say it aint so?
As a relatively new modeler, I've benefitted tremendously by the content and information shared by Flite Test, and I've supported you with purchases of your products. But I have to say I was deeply disappointed by the stance taken by Austin and Alex on this podcast. I get it, as a distributor of UAV products, you have to CYA. I also get that a lot of you are full-scale pilots (or related to them, or may someday wish to become one), and I can appreciate the unique leverage the FAA has on a full-scale pilot/model aircraft enthusiast. But come on, this is just wrong on so many levels. Allowing the FAA to get this foothold will hurt the hobby, if not kill it in the long run. Just look at the damage this has already done to the AMA's reputation (non-deservedly, thought it may be). Maybe you're already resigned to the fact that this is a done-deal, and you're "OK with it". I might be too if I had access to private or AMA-sanctioned flying areas, or the resources and time to comply with the burdens of additional FAA regulations on model aircraft that are sure to come. But I don't, and there is a limit to how much nonsense I will put up with before I find another way to enjoy my free time with my kids. In the meantime, I can tell you this much - I am fighting. I have written my congressman, and requested a sit-down meeting to discuss this issue face to face. I am an AMA member, and have sent them additional contributions to fuel their legal effort against this overreaching, burdensome, ineffective, and disingenuous attempt to make the public "feel safe". The fact that you appear to be doing anything less than that amazes me. Say it aint so?