Bahhhhh I should have figured it'd be one of those nights when the one camera that I'm recording with shut down after 20 minutes. I'd been recording the build and testing the plans as uploaded, not expecting anything major as far as problems go. If I would have glued the one freaking skin on with the centerline accurate I'm sure things would have gone better.
It's off by a millimeter or two, which it putting off the wing slot, causing the cockpit area to be off... you get the picture. Oh, my phone storage is full too, so no more video of my mistake
The one former needs to be shrunk just a touch, as things go together just too tightly, making the build a PITA once I started getting out skins in place. Now I've found that one of the skins is off by a touch, leaving an unsightly 2mm gap toward the bottom. It also looks as though another skin is off by a touch as well - just like 1mm gap, but enough to annoy me. The problem I've got now is I don't want to tweak too much in the line of the skin 'gaps' as I can't be sure what would be accurate if I wouldn't have screwed up on the first skin!
So now, do I rip off all of the skins, reprint, recut, and work on reassembly to see how things fit? That probably means I'll need to can the one former set that I glued to as well. Either that or I finish building and have to start all over with everything else on the fuse anyways.... Yea, I'm whining and complaining... sorry!
I all the night was a waste I guess... All progress in the last 2 hours need to be canned. Hmmm.... maybe I'll only need to recut and rebuild the two glued skins and the formers... I guess my whining let me see it might not be that bad of a correction!