Andre's Dynam Fw 190 1200mm


Fly yes... land no.
Good flight


It really is amazing how a new flying experience can be daunting.

Had to deal with the annoying cross wind at the field again last night.

So my landings are a lot more technical. Over some trees.

I got the plane on the deck but it was sloppy.

Looking forward to a day where I can just do touch and goes.


Fly yes... land no.
Seemed to slow down nicely but the motor is a 500kv with a triple blade 13" so lots of power to recover.


Crashing Ace
Andre focke wolf or efx racer i watched your Friday flying update(im subbed) and you said on a 3s set up that was your favorite plane


Fly yes... land no.
It is. And I had fully intended on buying either the P-40N from Durafly or the P-47 with AS3X from E-Flite but then I was able to pick up they 190 used for 1/3 the cost of a new plane.

I still think either of those planes would have been awesome but I decided on this path. May not have been the right one but eh.


Fly yes... land no.
Need a new prop

0/6 on landings.

This plane is challenging me.

Glad the new MA 13x8's showed up.
I broke the stock prop over the weekend.

Had a beautiful touch down but then it fluttered so I took off again and then proceeded to botch the follow up attempt.

That one landing gear is week. So I need to make a new one or try some heat.



Fly yes... land no.
Less nose weight

This evening I re-bent the gear again but at least confirmed the 5mm piano wire can work with the retracts.

So if this keep happening I have a plane B.

Plan C is to put in a parts order with Motion RC who seem to have decent shipping rates.

I touched up the cowl hash marks and removed the nose weight.
With my lighter 4S 2650 I still had good CG. Now she might climb a touch when I apply power but this might help me on landings/nose over issues.

I did install a new MA 13x8 prop but have to adjust the spinner.

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Fly yes... land no.

Busy weekend with some work on the 190 but I did not get to test fly the changes.

First I relocated the gun fire speaker to the nose/cowl.


I then shimmed the landing gear which may help the landing setup.

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After that I went to town on the wing and installed some flaps.
I still need to clean up the cuts but opted to just go for regular flaps vs split since the wing was already formed for the flaps.

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I picked up some tape and more paint to try and colour match with later this week.

Just too bad I did not get to fly it this weekend. Wind conditions were to high.

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Builder Extraordinare
Andre, I'm not sure how well it would work with the coverings on the landing gear wires but I did have a thought about you constantly having to re-bend your gear.

I would take a second piece of wire and position it next to your gear, especially where it typically bends if possible. Wrap with copper wire and solder the whole thing. It will add some weight but will greatly beef up and prevent wire bends.


Fly yes... land no.
I'm going to test the new setup first because I was also thinking of using my mig welder to tack in the bend.

If that fails I can buy new struts, try piano wire or maybe some oleo's.


Biplane Guy
That sucks. I got a newbee in the air for a bit with his storch last night, which eventually took a nose dive into the dirt. I also lost the battery in the Christen Eagle and promptly planted an airplane tree. Surprisingly still a good night of flying.


Fly yes... land no.
That sucks. I got a newbee in the air for a bit with his storch last night, which eventually took a nose dive into the dirt. I also lost the battery in the Christen Eagle and promptly planted an airplane tree. Surprisingly still a good night of flying.


Enjoyed my Radian at least.


Crashing Ace
im going to try to get my um t 28 out withe my 450 heli if i can really the only flyable things until my quad with parts arrive
also thanks for chatting with me in the comments of you raidan for 20 min flight video


Fly yes... land no.
No problem ;) Should have strapped a camera on the plane last night for some sunset footage but I was short on time.