I have a crash story, if it could be read, that would be great! Last week my flying buddy came down about two hours to fly with me. I was flying my mini guinea around and showing the flat spin on it to him, then let him fly. he had a mobius, so I though it would be a good idea to put it on backwards, and rubber band it on with the wing rubber bands. this was the "one more time" moment, after I had done a successful flat spin, he prompted me to do one more, so i did. Once I tried to stop it, the right motor quit on me. not the time, when you have 80 dollars of your friends stuff on your mini guinea you put double the time you normally would in painting, all you can think is "no. no. don't. no." so it started the slow spiral of death to the right, me being unable to recover it. a loud pop from the nose as it ripped through the packing tape, and the mobius bouncing off the ground 4 feet away.the plane looked like it pile drived itself in, it was stuck at a 15 degree angle to the ground, and the top of the nose was pushed over the top front of the fuse. the minwax-treated craft paper was ripped at almost all the seams, so it looked pretty messy. that was the least of the damage. A wire had separated from the bullet connector, and one of the motor screws slipped thru the mount. the wing was bent down near the roots, and had polyhedral at the tips. it was in bad shape. At least it wasn't my mobius!