Almost ready... everything works... I'm not rushing this. I have to find a place to put everything, with decent CG, and a few minor finishing touches. BTW - I ordered and received some Inkjet, self adhesive photo paper... looking forward to dressing a few of these planes. Seems to be much easier than painting... but I haven't done it yet! I was wondering if the "vinyl sheets" should have been what I ordered? I ordered "
Topcolor Self-Adhesive High Glossy Inkjet Photo Sticker Paper 8.5"x11" (206 x 279 mm) for all Inkjet Printers (50 Sheets)"... I hope it works! I have actually printed out on regular paper images and then used Elmer's glue to glue them on before... it worked... nothing special what it works... Magic markers work too... Can't wait to fly this thing! Actually, yes I can... spent a lot of time building it... and I am the worlds worse pilot! I never know whether to run like everyone else or try to land the thing... :-/
Thinking of a name... I could use some help... something from the "Dark Side"? or ???