Aura 5 not responding to 3 position switch


New member
I installed the Aura 5 board in my model. Connected to FRSky X8R sbus port to the Aura board port, connected all servos. Setup Taranis X9D plus transmitter for new model as described in the FT videos, Set channel 5 to 3 position switch SC. Bound the receiver to the transmitter model. Control surfaces and throttle are responding correctly, but no response to the SC switch to change modes. Output page on the transmitter shows channel 5 responding to SC switch.

Any suggestions apreciated.


You may want to connect the Aura to a Windows computer with the Config tool running. You can power up the model and aura and connect to the computer at the same time. Please be safe and remove the prop(s) before trying this!

Added later; I don't like the default config that puts safe mode in the middle position of the switch. I always reprogram the aura so down is safe mode, middle is intermediate, and up is expert.