So this is similar advice that I gave to my brother. He decided to take it and so far is enjoying his choice.
College is not a requirement to have a good life/job. Depending on your choice it can add a huge amount of debt to the start of your life. Granted some professions you must go this route, but if you do make a very smart choice on what school you go to as far as cost versus education. So far in my career the school I went to has had no impact in the least in my career trajectory and the debt I racked up thinking it would help me is, while not crippling, a hindrance in a lot more ways than is helpful.
Start your own business for I am assuming UAV photography services. Square Space or other services for a website are fairly cheap now and straight forward to build out the site itself. Fiverr is a great source to get someone to do some graphic design for you for cheap (logo etc) and even have people who will do your site for you. You'll have to have a 8-5 while you build up the business and buy gear, pay for insurance, maintain your site, etc. but over time hopefully you can transition fully if you are successful at building it. is a free service from Fiverr that is a full basic company management system. Expenses, invoicing, project tracker, task list, clients, time tracker, and other useful things. Also has a "shoebox" for collecting your receipts for business expenses.
Now, what may be good to go to your local Community College for is photography instead of UAV. Framing, editing, and all those other things I know nothing about that they can teach you that will improve your provided product.
Just my thoughts.