basslord1124's (Perkyplanes & RC) plane/project list and other resources


Master member
I've got some high hopes on the Shrubsmacker. Plus I'm always up for smaller planes to take to my wife's aunt's house.

Yup you better do the Duster! :)
No matter what, that Boy is getting a Duster! 😉

I always prefer big Planes, mostly because of my crappy eyesight...

But I enjoy my Mini Speedster, putting around on 2S. The Scrubsmacker looks like it would be a Mini for small areas, with more... Spunk! 😊


Master member
Moved some more to the "getting repaired" section...

-FT Spitfire update... had to shift some things around PLUS add a few small weights to help with balance issues. Still need to add a servo extension to one of the servo wires due to having to move things. After that, I can charge up a battery and go maiden it.

-Shrubsmacker update... most of the electronics are done minus the receiver. All linkages done and plane is about 95% built...just need to add front hatch and LG.

-Seaduck - wing reinforce repairs are done. I need to fix hole in wing and repaint. Then reattach bottom part of fuse and balance plane. Add additional weight/spray foam if need be for balancing.

-Mystery Ship - begun looking at CAD programs and working with plans to print out.

-KFM Wing - moved all electronics to center, repaired firewall. Need to add skid and check balance again.


Master member
That's nice! You're giving @The Hangar your Planes? 😜😂😄😂
... Sorry I haven't been able to get to your last email. My Phone is my only Internet, and it's falling apart 😖😭
At least I've got a friend to upload my Videos for me on YouTube - which I have to physically check as often as I can.... No notifications, no email.

Hope you Guys are still doing Okay! 😉 Please stay SAFE! 😷


Master member
lol. :p

No biggie on the email...I was starting to wonder if everything was ok. I need to get back around and watch some videos speaking of which. Hope you guys are doing ok too and staying inside. Everything is fine here. Staying at in-laws now for a little bit and unfortunately have a small bit of plane stuff to work on.


Master member
Did some updates to the main post so it is current as of this date.

Added Herr Clound Ranger
Moved Seaduck up to Hangar
Moved Shrubsmacker down to needing more work
Added balsa planes to future ideas
Updated father-in-law's balsa P51.