Basically I am an elderly 'old school,' ie pre-digital, multi channel learner flyer who has been away from the hobby for a long time, and have spent some time training with a Spektrum DX8 G1 tranny on my Boomerang electric trainer, wirelessly buddied with an NX8.
I was getting to the stage where I felt I was ready for landing, but had to change clubs. On trying to fly there, I found I was having difficulty with what I perceived to be a lack of response to my Tx inputs. This was explained to me as probably being due to the use of Expo on their
Master Tx, whereas previously, afaik, expo had not been used with the NX8, and I was therefore used to flying without expo.
If the Master has expo settings on, when control is handed over to the Slave Tx which has no expo settings, will the plane's receiver react to the Master's expo?
Any guidance/advice gratefully received.