Funny you ask, I just released a video yesterday actually.
Fuselage is mostly complete minus a few steps as far as the build aspect (and then of course things like covering and installing the motor/ESC).
One wing half is probably 95% built, and I've gotten a decent bit of the other wing half built.
Another road block that I ran in to was that I was somehow missing some of the specific wing ribs for the final wing half for 4 channel construction. I honestly think that in some of my transporting the build back and forth to in-laws and home and just my own scatterbrained-ness that they have gotten misplaced or lost I don't think it was a Sig issue in this case. Sooooo....I had to cut some out the manual way. I had luckily had some of that same exact thickness of balsa wood laying around. I also had to order/buy a long drill bit to drill the holes in the ribs for the aileron servo wires.
Overall I would say the main part of the build (gluing the balsa together) is pretty close to the end. Then that leaves covering and then installed the electronics. Covering makes me nervous...never actually done it before!
It seems like now more than ever, I've had very little time to work on my planes/models, but I try to work on little bits when I can.