More progress today. I closed both wings! As expected applying the hotglue was not that easy as there were many surfaces to be covered.
Started with applying whiteglue to the surfaces where the paper hinge sits. Then applied hotglue first on the most center side of the leading edge, followed by the spar and then the rest of the leading edge. After that I closed the wing and applied some reasonable pressure for about a minute or so. Once that part was dry, I added a beat of glue around the trailing edge. The exercise went without crinkles (other tan one little on on the inner side on the trailing edge).
Made another mistake by gluing the inner parts of the trailing edge to the fuselage bottom too quickly. Now I cannot properly access the ailerons to close the gap of the two halfs, though I am not too concerned about that.
To make things look nicer, I applied some Wonderfill filler around the trailing edge as well as on the bottom where the wings join together with the fuselage. Will sand that tomorrow and than apply Foam Armour to make the edges more rigid.
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