I think I will at least do invasion stripes on the fuselage and both the top and bottom of the wings to start. Still, though, I'm probably a long way away from flying the Spitfire, let alone getting comfortable enough to work on a paint job. Probably the first 10 or so flights I do won't have any paint on it. Only then will I start working through more of the details. (little foam board/3d printed exhausts, paint, etc.)
An a related note, I really like how you did the yellow wingtips on that Spitfire! It looks like a natural extension of how the leading edges of the wings were often painted yellow.
Also, although the FT Spitfire looks like a Mk IX to me, I might go with more of an early war orientation scheme like the bottom one.
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Also, I might abandon the idea of giving it a wartime paint job, and paint this one as more of
a race plane if I have trouble with orientation.