Catching Thermals Indoors from Podcast

crash bandicoot

Senior Member
First off, love the show, video and podcast ( i like to listen to the podcast at work or when i work out)

I loved the idea that the guys talked about on the podcast to try out the new ultra micro Radian to try and create thermals indoors. It also got me thinking, when I was getting my grill ready to cook last night, can you create a thermal outdoors as well? I know you have a friend at Joe Nall that likes to cook, does he have a big barbeque setup? If so, why not put his grill out in a field and see if you can catch some thermals off of it with a regular radian or a glider you would want to review. Just the idea of it makes me hungry and want better weather all at once.
Also, as a Kansas City native, I could see some sort of BBQ contest in conjuction with this.