Compact Transmitter, wireless trainer set up for Daughter and myself - FrSky vs Jumper T8SG/Spectrum


New member
Hi all,

First post, still just starting out training on my Seagull Boomerang II 40 and a borrowed Spectrum DX7. Still indecisive on which TX to get myself.

My Daughter (5 1/2 y/o) is dead keen to learn to fly and I want to get her a Bixler 3 for Christmas. Now she is tiny, and struggles with manhandling the full sized DX7 when I get her on the simulator. At the field were she would bestanding up, it would kill her arms (or break her neck with a strap!).

So I have been researching compact radios for her use. My criteria were that they must be wireless Buddybox to the TX that I will use, and compatible with the receivers I will use in all our planes. I have narrowed it down to 2 setups:

Setup 1. FrSKY all the way! Taranis QX7S and X-Lite

This looks sexy, and on paper seems to meet the requirement for wireless trainer. My questions for this setup is are they both wireless out of the box and will talk to each other/share models easily

Setup 2. Jumper T8SG+ V2 and a Spectrum of my choice

the Jumper is cheaper and more "Radio-y", and will talk to most receivers. My question is that it is not clear wether it has wireless trainer out of the box, or do I need a module. If it does what module do I need? I will pair it with a Spectrum for myself (Either a DX8e or DX9), which is more expensive than the Taranis QX7S. This option would allow more other pilots to pair up with me and my daughter (most at the clubs I fly are Spectrum)

Thanks in advance for the response.


New member
Also, having done some googling and youtube, can Taranis X-Lite owners confirm that it came with the bluetooth trainer link? its confusing on the website as an optional model/parts required


Knower of useless information
Also, having done some googling and youtube, can Taranis X-Lite owners confirm that it came with the bluetooth trainer link? its confusing on the website as an optional model/parts required

Did a search of some of the more reputable stores online that sell FrSky (i.e. GetFPV, for example) and found that none show the Bluetooth trainer link as being included with the X-Lite, so it looks like that "optional model/parts required" is meaning that you have to pay extra. :(


New member
So speaking to my instructor, why uses both spectrum and Taranis, has made it both clearer and confusing.

Firstly, the Jumper TS8G should be able to wireless train through a spectrum, as it doesn't use wifi or bluetooth, but instead the spectrum acts as a DSMX receiver for the trainee, so the Jumper should just bind to it as if it were a normal receiver. I do that with my (borrowed) DX7 to his DX9 for training, and I don't do anything special on my radio, just bind my aircraft model to his TX. so the Jumper is a viable option.

Soo.. that opens up more questions on the FrSKY. when the Taranis QX7S or X9D+ is set to train mode as master, is it acting as a receiver, or is it using bluetooth/wireless to slave the inputs of the trainee TX through it to the aircraft? if its acting as a receiver, the X-Lite doesn't need bluetooth, as it can just bind to the master as if it were a plane.