Concept for a 1 sheet Flying EDF Jet to explore(like a trainer)

L Edge

Master member
Exploring EDF's are fun. Simple if you crash and burn. Your up and running again in a short time. Even has landing gear so you can practice approaches. If you have 50 to 70 size EDF, scale it. Best of all, 1 sheet of foam!!!

Know how to fly, built a number of prop planes, know how to adjust for different size EDF's.

Thanks to:
Modified JG plane "White Diamond" and either scale up/down to fit your EDF. Advantage of this model is the dihedral will allow you to fly in the Wind and give you stability in Gusty conditions. I increased the size to fit a 5 bladed 64mm EDF with a thrust vectoring nozzle, added landing gear and it is a winner.

1) Go to search and search "White Diamond" by JG planes. If you like, then search White Diamond Plans 1.2 and download plans(upper right hand corner for that)
2) You are to use a battery that is lightweight(mine is 64mmEDF and 1300mah,) If you think 2200mah, forget the project, it will fly like a dog.
3) Scale it up/down, cut out pattern(find CG) and set up electronics to get that close. Don't forget exhaust tube to come out under center segment.
4) Hot glue plane and install EDF stuff.
5) Go fly it.
6) Put gear on.

Add wheels, notice that height of model above asphalt is about 1 inch. It was made from aileron hinges from a 50 cc gasoline engine.


The Corvette of EDF models. I know that there is a bunch of you's that would like to fly EDF's. So, who is going to be the person who wants to try it since it is so simple. That will help define scale for different size EDF's that are most common. It would be nice to do a thread by someone to show what happens in getting a model to fly.(video of flight should be included)

Reason no model for me, I needed to use EDF setup for other models, especially 2 EDF's. I used FFF(blue) for my setups.
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Master member
Wondering what in the world you were talking about: gas sized hinges. Studied the pics, it's actually an odd ball super large control horn, probably not the Du-bro one. Creativity points awarded for instant bolt on landing gear.

L Edge

Master member
Wondering what in the world you were talking about: gas sized hinges. Studied the pics, it's actually an odd ball super large control horn, probably not the Du-bro one. Creativity points awarded for instant bolt on landing gear.
That's from the large stuff for 3D . I have a Desert aircraft 50cc gas engine bolted on one of the first carbon fiber planes with Kevlar hinges with the paint scheme embedded. Weighs 12lb 4 oz ready to fly for a 2 x 2 meter plane and only 7oz lighter than a competition pattern plane. When one of the guys would crash(especially hovering) the big stuff and throw the remains in the trash can, I would take the good components. CARF designed top notch stuff. Even got to test fly a turbine when it first came out because the rep knew me from racing 200mph pylons. Trouble was at that time the AMA clubs in the area would throw me out because it could start a fire on the turf grass.
Same thing happened with snowboarding, I was asked nicely to leave the mountain because of scrapping snow off the hill for the skiers.



Master member
Had some of the same issues in EL Segundo along PCH with the wannabe turbine guys. Then there's the city noise quandry, 2 miles from the OCEAN end of LAX in the middle of an industrial zone..
I see I'm not the only one scrounging useful looking stuff from the site garbage can. Oddly enough we could fly anything we wanted to in the FAA building parking lot on Aviation Blvd in the middle of housing developments on the weekends.