For reference, I put all the words up here at the top. But I do recommend using the pictures too.
Step 1:
Cut out the parts.
Note: while cutting, leave in the lower wing cut-outs for rigidity. They will be removed later.
Step two:
Make creases, cavities, and bevel cuts where they are required.( I think you all can infer this if you have build foam board airplanes in the past)
Step three:
The wing. Use the camber gauge the same as intended for the mini scout wing
Use the dihedral gauge just as you would still build the mini scout,
And tape the joint (difficult to see here)
Step four:
The fuselage
First, glue in the doublers. Make sure it is aligned like this:
Don't forget the other side, too.
I next recommend putting in your centered servos now. Pick a spot above the wing and glue them staggered. (unlike this photo)
Based on servo location, cut the pushrod exit holes.
Note: the rudder pushrod goes above the elevator.
You also can reduce friction by inserting the pushrod straight into the cut and sliding it back and forth a few times to widen the cut.
Now you can glue up the sides.
Regular B but only the front section for now.
Now do the rear section.
After the bottom is glued, we start the top. Starting with a B fold on the front turtle deck (if that's what it's called)
Now simply glue the windshield
We will put in the poster board windshield later, but right now, we glue on the top rear part, using the table as our friend.
It's time to put in the windshield already!
glue in the formers for the windshield
Then glue or tape(your choice(but tape is easier)) the posterboard around the formers and to the sides of the fuselage
Step five:
the tail surfaces
To be honest, I eyeballed it on this one. Make sure your elevator can move in the little fuselage cutout thingy though!
I also used the TLAR method on the vertical stabilizer too.
Now's the time to hook up the pushrods to control surfaces because we're gluing the wing on top next.
Step six:
First, put in the bottom wing. I didn't use glue for this.
Next, I glued in the struts, Make sure you don't get these upside-down. The end with the longer base should go on the bottom wing.
Finally, glue the top wing to the fuselage, and the struts. You can do this in two steps if you want.
Now unless I'm forgetting something, You're done!
Correct CG can be found by balancing the plane upside-down on the leading edge of the bottom wing.
After buildind and flying, I realize that there are some modifications needed already for V2.0
Here I will try to have a commentated build gallery of what I build today.
Step 1:
Cut out the parts.
Note: while cutting, leave in the lower wing cut-outs for rigidity. They will be removed later.
Step two: make creases, cavities, and bevel cuts where they are required.( I think you all can infer this if you have build foamboard airplanes in the past)
-No pictures-
Step three:
The wing. Use the camber gauge the same as intended for the mini scout wing
Use the dihedral gauge just as you would still build the mini scout,
And tape the joint (difficult to see here)
Step four:
The fuselage
First, glue in the doublers. Make sure it is aligned like this:
Don't forget the other side, too.
I next recommend putting in your
centered servos now. Pick a spot above the wing and glue them staggered. (unlike this photo)
Based on servo location, cut the pushrod exit holes.
Note: the rudder pushrod goes
above the elevator.
You also can reduce friction by inserting the pushrod straight into the cut and sliding it back and forth a few times to widen the cut.
Now you can glue up the sides.
Regular B but only the front section for now.
Now do the rear section.
After the bottom is glued, we start the top. Starting with the front turtle deck (if that's what it's called)
Another B fold.
(Gosh, some of these photos are really blurry. I guess didn't want the glue to dry while I took a picture.)
Now simply glue the windshield
We will put in the poster board windshield later, but right now, we glue on the top rear part, using the table as our friend.
Its time to put in the windshield already!
glue in the formers for the windshield
Hmm... It seems I forgot to take a picture for this part. Oops. Well it goes in like the formers of the mini scout.
Then glue or tape(your choice(but tape is easier)) the posterboard around the formers and to the sides of the fuselage
Step five:
the tail surfaces
To be honest, I eyeballed it on this one. Make sure your elevator can move in the little fuselage cutout thingy though!
I think this post is getting too long, I will continue it below