Sizes - The prop sizes are what's given in the first table. They have no labels except prop size and I assume are cheap Chinese clones. I'll have more on some surprises with these in my next report of tests that I'm doing now. If you look on Amazon and search for "
brushless ESC propeller" you'd get these class of motor kits. I've looked at a bunch of these listings and the sizes vs KV values seems to be consistent. The 1000KV / 10x4.5 is always black plastic and the others are the bright orange. That's about as good info as I can provide. I'm guessing they are all
not nylon as they break easily with nose overs onto grass if running....
Ask me how I know?
Optimized - Maybe not but I would think they would have vested interest in not putting "too much" prop on a motor, burning it out and get bad reviews AND likewise, they wouldn't put too small as they would underperform. It might have been trial and error, but I'd say it Chinaoptomized.
Geeze! I know better than that. I should have included that. No - I'm at 2200 feet. How much does this make a difference? Nitro, gas -YES, but electric? The prop meets with less resistance so it speeds up till it gets the resistance... making the same thrust??? I know technically from a theoretical standpoint it should be slightly off, but in a practical standpoint, is it really that much measurably different? I'll edit the post above, Thanks.
Does this mean I do it once and it doesn't matter which motor is on the ESC???