Easy Foamboard Airfoil Wing and Fuselage Tube Construction


Junior Member
Here are some simple methods for making a real, cambered airfoils and versatile fuselage tubes out of Readi-Board foamboard from Dollar Tree, packing tape, and hot glue. They are very easy to build in 20" and 30" lengths and different wing chords and fuselage tube diamaters and use singly or join together. I've used with good success from 30" to 90" wingspan. It's good for cargo, FPV, trainers, and parkflyers. There are no actual aircraft designs here - that is up to you!

(aka "ExAir")

Video build series here. The end of each wing construction video will link with the next in order. The fuselage tubes are last:



Crazy flyer/crasher :D
Gotta agree there!

Thats a really nice way of doing airfoils!
Thanks for sharing it here with us :D


I am going to try to mix this style building with Will's style from Mikey's RC and see what I can come up with. Should be interesting....:)


Exair-One of my middle school students just made his first Armin wing for his scratch built Van's RV-7a. It is working out great for him! Thanks, again for posting.