Its good to see you guys coming back around to the people that have been with you and will be with you through to entire ride as long as it lasts with Flite Test. The drift away from that gained you more visibility but not so much from the people IN the hobby rather then people wanting to see crazy things for entertainment. Yes you roped a few in but on the forums we see em come and go the second they learn they really cant do all the internet stupid stuff they thought they could.
To this day all the way back into the mid 70's I have never once met a person who wasn't in the hobby in some form or other, cars, boat, aircraft, that the first two statements out of their mouths was.... 1. "How much did that cost" 2. "I'm gonna get one and do (insert random stupid act) with it" in that order.
The hardest part now is how you can keep the few remaining people in the hobby with all the oppression coming from the grubment while enticing more people to join in. This is where most of the "Hurt" as you say in the podcast stems from. Something people really loved and had a huge attachment to as well as a lot of their life time tied into is getting destroyed. People know the more other people and businesses back the "We need rules" thing (which honestly is NOTHING other then a way to maximize THEIR profits) over our normal self regulating that in time we will all be priced out of the hobby. Many have already walked away to start new hobbies because they know what is coming down the road no matter what promises are made or how it all gets sugar coated.