I was in the process of making some plans and ended up with a Full Cut SVG, a Score Cut SVG, and was starting a new SVG for labeling the parts and putting reference lines and I said what the heck am I doing here this is a mess. In the spirit of "Do not spend an hour doing something you can spend 100 hours automating" I present MULTICUT:
This updated extension allows you to just have one freakin' drawing and have all of them in the same file. It uses the path stroke color to determine what type of cut it is.
- BLACK - Full cut
- RED - Score cut
- BLUE - Blue cut
- GREEN - Green cut
The last two I didn't name "reference" or "guides" or whatever because you can just use them for whatever you want. Blue is FULL BLUE (0, 0, 255, 255) and green is FULL GREEN (0, 255, 0, 255) in the stroke definition. No need to put things in layers or have separate SVG files any more, just make sure the line colors are what type of cut you want and export once. No copy pasting gcode files together either! The paths are all sorted to try to minimize travel moves, so all the cuts will be mixed in together instead of being completely separate passes. Note that the light blue color FT uses to declare A / B / C fold is not considered blue. Only fully blue things are blue!
IN ADDITION! If there is a file named "header" or "footer" in the destination directory, those are prepended and appended to the gcode file automatically. I have this as my header to pause 10 seconds then start the motor
and this is my footer to just stop the motor
Hopefully this will save everyone some time going through the files multiple times and deleting a bajillion lines and oops I saved over the wrong file.
INSTALLATION: Just extract the two files from the ZIP and put them in the Inkscape extensions directory (Inkscape/share/extensions/) not a subfolder, and it has the same title as ERC's (MI GRBL Z-AXIS Servo Controller). Note that it still has issues with the latest Inkscape (both 1.0 and 0.92) so Inkscape 0.91 r13725 should still be used.