My TimSav (link) has been sitting idle for a long time now. The head I designed starts off working really well, then quickly gains slop as the needle wears through the nozzle, and the whole thing has a small chance of wrecking itself while cutting if the wheels holding the tool plate come off. I've been trying to decide what I wanted to do with it since I am not that keen on going back to the CAD drawing board. I do a lot of my own custom DTFB designs though so it would be nice to have a tool that does something helpful though, so I am considering modding it to just be a plotter to draw my plans on the material.
The issue I'd want to resolve first though is dealing with the bowing of the DTFB. I'd previously addressed this with a DTFB vacuum table hooked to a shop vac, and that sort of worked ok, but the suction bits were relatively fragile and I didn't have anywhere to store them so they fell apart quickly. Has there been any innovation in this area? I thought maybe having the toolhead have a couple omniwheels or casters or even just a smooth stainless ball on it that just applied some weight to the DTFB under the toolhead would be enough to smoosh out any concavity of the material, or something along those lines.
I'd also like to point new users to the Inkscape mod I made long ago that allows 4 different depths of cut based solely on the color of the line in Inkscape instead of having to do multiple layers / runs with the cutter:
Multicut Inkscake Extension (link)