Flite Test Community Podcast episode 5 - "We wish you a very Monkey Christmas"


Flite Test Community Podcast episode 5 - "We wish you a very Monkey Christmas"

Fred joins us as guest host for episode 5. We talk about how he weazled his way into the good graces of Flite Test, his involvement with FTFF and why he is an aBLEEPhole. http://flitetest.com/articles/005-blame-the-monkey

Also, keep an eye out for a bonus cast to be released shortly to the general public. There is an NC-17 version floating around out there. Joel is going to edit that down to a solid PG-13. The original version is definitely X. Even I haven't heard that one, yet.

We did a podcast where we expect to rant like lunatics. It was uncensored. I took that to heart. In the end, we feel the guys involved were so compelling that we MUST release it to the public. Aside from the 3 "regular" knuckleheads, we have Crafty Dan, Josh Finn, Carl Lydick, Kevin Teschner, Josh Orchard and Fred Provost providing their thoughts on the FAA registration requirements. And those are some thoughtful folks!
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Monkey/Bear Poker
(Way too) Big projects at work mostly...

You know I am giving you a hard time!!!

Hope your doing well, have not spoke with you in a while!

Doing well I hope? Let us know when you get a chance to listen! Love to hear your feedback!
