Flying site questions


New member
Is it common for local ordinances to restrict flying rc planes and drones to a forest preserve flying field and having to pay to use the flying field?

I was preparing to fly at a park around the soccer field and a large open field. I was the only one in the park, I checked my airspace app and it was not a restricted airspace. Before I took off a forest preserve park ranger pulled into the park, approached me, and told me that I wasn't allowed to fly in the park and needed to go to the approved flying field at Kieselburg Park. Here is a link to the flying field rules & regulations:

In Winnebago County, Illinois, Kieselburg Park is only airfield in the county where people are authorized to fly any planes and/or drones. To fly there they require you to purchase an airfield use pass for $30 every calendar year. They also require an AMA membership ($75 per year) or proof of $100,000 liability coverage. Is that normal?


Participation Award Recipient
That isn't normal. Some forest preserves do have rules (but the FAA ones should have showed up on your app).

As it stands only the FAA can put in flying restrictions (however local ordinances can be against taking off/landing, so there is still a way 'around' the FAA only rules for localities)

It is possible there is some local ordinance, that the park ranger was miss informed, the park ranger just doesn't like people flying, or any of number of things. Some of which means, yes you can fly, some could mean you couldn't. it would be worth checking your state and local ordinances regarding RC flying.

Flying Monkey fab

Elite member
As others have stated, states and other government agencies can only control where you take off and land. And only in regard to public lands.
While there might well be an ordnance often you hand a person a uniform and they are an instant tyrant.
I would have politely ask for the ordnance number.
If it is for real and you don't want to pay for the official field they can't stop you from flying on private land that you have gotten permission to fly on.


Elite member
Sounds like lackey who thinks there should be a law against R/C. Bottom line, for better or worse, the FAA is who governs the space between ground and 65,000’, not a local park “ranger.”