FrSky Taranis Spektrum receiver compatible?


New member
I just started getting into flying recently and I am really interested in quads so I bought a versacopter and a turnigy x9 tx. I just wanted to see if I even liked the hobby and I do. Don't get me wrong the x9 is great but I bought two 4 day passes to flight fest for me and my dad to fly. He hasent ever flown before but I think that it would be something fun we can do. Alright so basically I want to get a second to so my dad can use my x9 and I have done a lot of research and I decided on getting a taranis but the only problem is that the only hobby shop within 2 hours of my house dosent sell lists of quad and airplane stuff the only brand of receiver that they have is Spektrum so I was wondering what would I need to get, if anything, to be able to use Spektrum receivers with my taranis?


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member


Rogue Pilot
I would suggest skipping the Spectrum receivers if your getting a Taranis radio and order some FrSky receivers online instead. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Well-known member
It's nice to be able to pick up 5 lemon receivers for 25 bucks though. That's a lot of foamies.


Posted a thousand or more times
I agree with Luis.

I would only bother with Spektrum RXs if you want to fly the UMX/Integrated BNF ones where you don't have a choice.

The "DIY" module is better for that - it works by all reports - it uses an actual Spektrum TX module so it should.

Recent version of the Orange just haven't worked - or haven't worked well - with the UMX/Integrated models - although there is a new V1.2 version just out which may be an improvement. It's unproven though so if you think that's right for you, I should wait on ordering it until it's confirmed to work with the UMX/Integrated models. According to the discussions on that page one guy says it has the same problems so I wouldn't hold my breath.

If you really must and you are impatient, this guy makes up the DIY modules...

Not saying don't get Spektrum because there's anything wrong with the new Spektrum stuff but you have a FrSky TX and it will work better with FrSky RXs since you can use all the features. With the Spektrum RXs you will only be able to use the basic features.

FrSky RXs are cheaper than Spektrum although not a cheap as Lemon or Orange. You can check out the full range here...

Also for the same price as a Spektrum RX you could put a XJT module in your 9X (requires a small modification to the 9X which will void your warranty but its probably out of warranty ) and then both of you can fly with FrSky Receivers.


New member
My frsky 12 keeps getting warnings that the rf is critically low with a spectrum receiver even though the plane range tests is superb. Thoughts


Techno Nut
My frsky 12 keeps getting warnings that the rf is critically low with a spectrum receiver even though the plane range tests is superb. Thoughts
If you have telemetry coming back from the rx configured, disable those alerts. the spectrum rxes use very low power for the telemetry.