FT-22 frame clearance issues with recommended 9x4.7 slow flyer prop


Junior Member
Hi there,

My son and I are doing our first ever FT builds and we decided on building the FT-22 using Depron. Our electronic parts arrived from HK Australia today, and the first thing I noticed was the size of the 9 x 4.7 slow flyer props. I fitted on the wings that I cut over the weekend and the tips are touching the edges of the propeller area cut-out! I verified the scale of the drawings (these were printed correctly) and it appears that the 9 inch props are ever so slightly longer than 9 inches.

At the moment this will be a Depron confetti machine unless I can trim the prop down. Has someone else experienced this problem? I don't have much experience with building; will it cause any issues if I trim the length of the prop slightly until it fits (and balancing it of course)?

Any tips and pointers will be greatly appreciated!


I'm a care bear...Really?
what are you using for a motor mount? remember the full prop will not be going through the slot when the motor is raised up above the hole. put everything together with the prop on and then check the spacing.


Junior Member

Thanks CrashRecovery, I did not take that into account; I merely stuck the prop in there in order to measure and did not consider the offset of the mount. To be honest, I have not come up with a solution to the mount yet. I am considering a built up Depron mount with a plastic card firewall or something similar. I haven't worked with plywood before; dropped by a LHS yesterday and although they had many types of balsa sheets there were no plywood sitting around.

Thanks again for removing the clouds of uncertainty!


I'm a care bear...Really?
i would tell you where to go in the states to find the light ply needed.... but something like a home depot in Australia i don't know if it exists.