Ft arrow scaled up for power pack c?


Any ideas on how to scale up the ft mini arrow to use power pack c on it? How big would it need to get to use power pack c in pusher config for the ft versa?


I’ve heard the FT Spear called a scaled up arrow. It uses a C pack.
Thank you! I really like the shape of the ft versa...can I use a smaller prop with the c motor or will it mess up cg too much? How much is the space for the prop as a pusher in the versa? Or even trim away some of the elevons to make space? (edit: there is a 20g difference between c motor and b motor)
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Or will it just be ok to scale up the ft arrow? 140% would make the wingspan 41 inches, same as the spear.


Master member
I would need to use the power pod configuration on that, right? For power pack C, at least. Looking to use the pusher as I am a beginner and don't want to break to many props
Maybe you wouldn't need to build it with a power pod...


Maybe you wouldn't need to build it with a power pod...
For the pusher I think the max size you can use is a 9 inch prop. The power pack c uses a 10 inch. I would have to remove 1/2 inch from each elevon + 20g more nose weight. Is that ok, or will it reduce the efficiency?


Master member
For the pusher I think the max size you can use is a 9 inch prop. The power pack c uses a 10 inch. I would have to remove 1/2 inch from each elevon + 20g more nose weight. Is that ok, or will it reduce the efficiency?
Power pack C does come with 10x4.5 props, but you can use other props with the motor as long as you don't go too crazy. I use APC 9x6s with all of the C pack motors. In my experiences, these props are indestructible, and actually work really well too!
I would try it with a smaller prop if you can before you go around removing parts of the elevons, although only 1/2 inch probably wouldn't cause problems. The nose weight also doesn't sound like a huge problem to me. You might be able to get the 20 grams by going with a slightly larger battery and even get more flight time that way.


Elite member
Thank you! I really like the shape of the ft versa...can I use a smaller prop with the c motor or will it mess up cg too much? How much is the space for the prop as a pusher in the versa? Or even trim away some of the elevons to make space? (edit: there is a 20g difference between c motor and b motor)

When I was trying to decide which one to build I read a bunch in the forums and the consensus was that the Spear is a better plane than the Versa, even with the blunt nose conversion. It’s also a much newer design, so FT probably learned a lot and incorporated those lessons into the Spear’s design. That said, I don’t have personal experience with either. I just finished a Spear but haven’t flown it yet and I’ve never seen a Versa. I’m sure either will be fun!


When I was trying to decide which one to build I read a bunch in the forums and the consensus was that the Spear is a better plane than the Versa, even with the blunt nose conversion. It’s also a much newer design, so FT probably learned a lot and incorporated those lessons into the Spear’s design. That said, I don’t have personal experience with either. I just finished a Spear but haven’t flown it yet and I’ve never seen a Versa. I’m sure either will be fun!
Thank you! I think then I will go with spear.


Elite member


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