FT Guinea Pig 4s Build Recommendations


New member

I am working on building a FT Guinea Pig to use as a glider tow plane, and cargo dropper.

I read some of the threads saying the recommended C power pack is not strong enough for this plane, and many have said they have switched to 4s setups. I was wondering if anyone could recommend which motors, escs, and props they use in a 4s setup for this plane?

Also this is the first FT plane we are building and I was a bit curious how the Aura flight controller works with a full spectrum receiver. It seems possible to use the two in combo to control more than 5 servos on the plane. If anyone has done this, or if there is another thread detailing any help/advice/instructions that would be greatly appreciated! I will continue scowering the forums as well in case I missed it. I have an ix12 transmitter so available channels is not a major concern of mine. I plan on going all out on this plane for cool features servo operated cargo door, bomb drops, Estes rocket power, the sky's the limit lol!

Thanks ahead of time for any help or suggestions!