Mini Guinea on Life Support (Long Story)
My Mini Guinea is in poor health. Thursday night I was flying it in a constricted area and got it stuck in a tree. Way.....up in a tree. It was close to dark so I ran home got the pick up, generator, lights, poles,tape....anything that I thought would help. Nothing would reach so I took a 1" socket and tied it on some jetline (nylon string) and tried to throw it like a baseball up to where the plane was. I could throw it about 1/2 the way up.
BTW, the plane was easy to see as there are a lot of LEDs on it. Finally I used another socket (first one was stuck after many many throws. This socket I used like little David of David and Goliath fame, like a sling.. It actually worked pretty good and I shook the plane out of the tree in several steps. To my amazement it was intact, even the nose.
I was on a tractor path that had been cleared for trucks. Unfortunately all of the brush was pushed up against this wooded area. It was at least another hour to get to the plane and it was probably less than 20 feet away.
This was the good part. There was very little damage and I fixed it the next day,After that is when the real trouble started...
The next day I had another adventure (musical) that left me dehydrated at the end of the day.I tried to drink enough water but with equal amounts of bourbon it doesn't always work in the hot sun. After some rest though I thought I would try to fly the plane again, I returned to my normal field. I hadn't wanted to use it because the hay is very high now (up to elbows) and I was tired of walking through it. The thought of the tree was more scary though and I returned to my normal field.
I was having control problems and had 2 crashes on a plane that usually flies great. After some final adjustments I launched it and lost control crashing into the i hay. I saw it go down in the field but could not find it. After a couple of hours I gave up and went home.
In the morning I resumed my search
That night there was a thunderstorm and I knew that was bad. However, I found the plane in about 1/2 hour though it was soaked and crashed.Here it is now in the drying out situation. The battery is puffed and has been discarded.
I am trying to dry it out in a way that it will not warp. Right now it is all kind of mushy. Time will tell. I have packing tape which is waterproof but I think the paper has delaminated under the tape.
I have decided NOT to fly there again until the hay is cut. Also I have Distance-RC RF beacon due to arrive any day. I can't wait to see how that works. I have good hay fields close to me BUT they are surrounded by wooded areas.
Well.... that's it. I hope you had funny reading abiout my misery and can learn from my mistakes.