FT Mini Mustang Paper Replacement Kit


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
If I rough cut out the art and stick it to the foam - either with the paper removed or not what glue to you recommend ?
3M77 spray or equivalent. Pardon me if I misunderstood you, but you would never glue these on to a side a foam with paper still attached to it. Just wanted to make that clear.

how do I know where to make the score cuts in the wings for example ? I have tried to compare the art with the original plans and I cannot see a line on the art that would correspond to the red score cut line on the plans. Am I missing something here ?
There are no score marks on the art. This is intentional. It would just look bad and spoil the art!
It is best to either have a printed set of plans for those pieces to use as reference (either visual or take/transfer measurements) or use a speedbuild kit as reference. I bought a speedbuild kit. I wanted to help support FT and use it for reference. Most will probably just print out a copy of the plans for the parts they need.

Although I do mention this on the first post, I will add this information to the Hints and Tips as well.
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Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Elevator pealed up easily to add skewer and cut bevels. Then I decided to taper all exposed edges as well. Cut the edges with a #11 blade held at an angle. Then add some hot glue, wait for it to start to cool and get tacky. Them squeeze them shut quickly while rubbing fingers together to rid them of extra glue. Work in small sections, 2-3". Similar techniques as on NerdNics planes with tapered wings.Not perfect but looks good still.

I like what you did here. Especially cutting the edges. A lot of work but an excellent job! Thanks for the tip!


Builder Extraordinare
Got two flights in. The video is from the second flight but it was very windy and... video operator error. I got the launch at least.


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Thanks Josh! I can now exhale. In the back of my mind was a little thought that somehow glueing ink/toner laden paper to foam would make it unflyable. That thought has been extinguished thanks to your video. :)
Great job as always especially with all that wind!


Builder Extraordinare
No problem! I'm not a fair weather pilot and I needed to give a safety briefing to a new club member so it was a win-win. Winds should be better tomorrow so I may take this along with the Sikorsky. I still need to fly her on the new Tx and it will give me a chance to dial-in the programming.


Flite Test Groupie
Got wings done.



Posted a thousand or more times
That thing really handled the wind with apparent ease. I'm sure your skill on the sticks had a lot to do with that. Nice job all the way around. Old Crow looks awesome, too.


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes

That is awesome! I love to see this hobby shared with kids and strengthening families. One of the main reasons I support Flite Test as an organization is just what I see in your picture. I especially like to see young ladies getting into the hobby. I believe they are natural RC pilots. I tried getting my two daughters into the hobby to no avail. :(
Keep up the great work!


Flite Test Groupie
Done! They look great, they throw fine but our washers fell off due to hasty attachment it was too cold to try again today.


We had fun, mostly me. :)


Posted a thousand or more times
That is awesome! I love to see this hobby shared with kids and strengthening families. One of the main reasons I support Flite Test as an organization is just what I see in your picture. I especially like to see young ladies getting into the hobby. I believe they are natural RC pilots. I tried getting my two daughters into the hobby to no avail. :(
Keep up the great work!

I agree, 100%!


Builder Extraordinare
Had two more sorties today. While the transfer to the Baltic region may have been hard to adjust to the trial by snow was apparent. No enemies sighted during sortie number one as well as number two but the underside does not hold up too well to wet grass landings. :) Just a little rash. I'll apply some packing tape and it should be much more resilient.


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Had two more sorties today. While the transfer to the Baltic region may have been hard to adjust to the trial by snow was apparent. No enemies sighted during sortie number one as well as number two but the underside does not hold up too well to wet grass landings. :) Just a little rash. I'll apply some packing tape and it should be much more resilient.

Awesome! No such fun for me today. Did you get it set up on the transmitter you wanted? Was the printer you did this on toner or inkjet?
Adding a packing tape layer to the fuse bottom is not a bad idea in either case. Ah the bane of paper on foam! You'd think an $8 airframe would be more durable. Go figure. :rolleyes: lol


Builder Extraordinare
Laser! I knew it would be a throw-in-the-car plane so that meant it might get wet. Held up great considering it really was snowing something special. It did not stick so it was just a wet mess on the grass.


New member
Started my MMustang build. Did most of the gluing using the 3M77. I did have some issues with the foam deforming on my wings:( I did spray onto the paper first, then waited a bit, then put it down on the foam. I'm guessing I didn't wait long enough or I used too much. I waited probably 20-30 seconds. It was pretty cold in the garage so I might have rushed it. Anyone else experience this? Any suggestions? Most of the smaller pieces are find. I'm thinking I'll head to staples for another print and try it again. Any input is appreciated.