Had to remove some motor extension wires last night. The motor was previously used in a 75% polaris. Motor pod installed. I decided just to glue it in. I hate all the stupid skewers and pods. Ailerons were set as well.
I did try the beveling method mentioned above. I folded back the aileron and used my hobby knife to cut the paper away from the foam. Then, I folded the paper back and cut the bevel. I applied glue to beneath the paper and using a squeegee motion at a 45 degree angle, pushed the glue over the joint. It worked but is tricky. The paper I used is not as flexible as the paper supplied on the foam so I did have to take time to make sure it was flat. This was to make sure I had proper deflection.
Oh, and for these tiny models I use cut-outs of the control horns from Milk jugs. Plenty strong enough and bonds to hot glue very well. Easier to cut than ply too
I've got the airplane programmed in my Taranis but still need to connect the Rx and check deflections. Depending on weather, I could have a maiden done this weekend.