What!!?? I saw your video on the Get Stupid With it Challenge, and then you post this?!! Crash, Crash, Crash, it's in the air.... Let's get stupid with it! Ha, haaa!! Your plane flew gloriously and you didn't kid around either. No more of the "let's see how slow I can fly." Oh, no. You let it rip and your plane flew beautifully!
It's not easy to take these foamboard airplanes, that we've put so much time, love and energy into the air and just see what they can do. It is so blasted much fun, though! You were actually looping while barrel-rolling! That's nuts!
Did you crash it? Of course you did. A barrel roll. In a loop? That IS crazy! Plus, you didn't hold back on the throttle. You really just threw the little bird into the sky and played with the capabilities. That sir, ROCKS!
The field was too wet for my son and I to fly today. We try again tomorrow. You've inspired me to notch it up a bit. Thank you.
I'm not going to do the LeaderBoard anymore. It takes too much time and as far as I am concerned you just owned it. You completely came out of your shell and just threw it into the wind and decided to see what it could do.
The Challenge is not over. I'll be posting my next flight with the MiniScout here, I hope all of you will too. Just no more LeaderBoard.
I'm building a new plane. It's...significantly bigger than what I'm used to and it's going to take up my free time for a little bit. New challenge to follow? Let's get stupid with the....